My 2024 Pacific POW Memoir ‘To Be Read’ List

I don’t normally compile a TBR (To Be Read) list however this year I’ve pulled together my unread POW memoirs written by those that served in the Pacific theatre during the Second World War. There are 18 titles in total although one, “Embracing Defeat”, is not a memoir.

This list is part of a much larger TBR that includes dozens of fiction titles, mostly classic Crime Noir, and as such I may not get through all 18 books, however I am committing to at least a dozen. I’m already well into William Allister’s “Where Life and Death Hold Hands“. That will be followed by “Escape from the Bloodied Sun“, a book I intended to read in 2023, and then “To Freedom Through China“. I’ll then focus on books written by POWs in Singapore, having already read “And All the Trumpets” and “You’ll Die in Singapore” in 2023.

If you’ve read any of these titles please let me know in the comments below.

3 replies

    • Thanks for letting me know. I just picked up my copy of “The Small Woman” about a month ago and I’m looking forward to reading it. Cheers, Steve.

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